SIRAJ— Syrian Investigative Reporting for Accountability Journalism— is a non-profit association registered in France on 2 May 2019, under the registration number: N W 783010723.
SIRAJ is represented by:
Mohammed Bassiki- Founder and Executive Manager:
Ali Alibrahim- Co-Founder and Managing Editor:
Ahmad Haj Hamdo- Co-founder and Senior Editor:
The Syria-related reports, videos and investigations that SIRAJ produces are published on its website,, and the platforms of partner local and international media outlets.
SIRAJ owns the Intellectual Property (IP) to the images, videos, and visuals included in the investigations it produces and publishes independently, which may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or displayed without the written approval of SIRAJ and its representatives.
A written permission must also be obtained by other parties, including journalists and writers, whose names are listed as contributors to the published reports, if they wish to re-publish all or part of the content in question, or redistribute it.
When parties are granted an approval to use, any reproductions should be compatible with the original text; re-publication or redistribution should not result in any form of abuse. In case of such abuses, SIRAJ is not obliged to address the consequences.
SIRAJ must always be cited as a primary source, with adding a link to, whenever its productions are quoted or shared. Co-publishers are also to be cited as primary sources in case of similar uses of content.
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